Lotus Birth Herbs

from $20.00

Who should use it ? Mothers that have just given birth.

Where does it go ? If you are having a Lotus Birth add this to your placenta after cleaning it, then add Sea Salt or Himalayan salt. Each bag can be used up to two times.

Recommended amount is to purchase is 3 bags as herbs should be switched out herbs every 24 hours.

Benefits :

  • Helps Preserve Placenta

  • Use for Spiritual Rituals

Spiritual Purposes :

Bay Leaf - Clear out old unwanted energy

Rose Pedals - Gratitude

Rosemary - Love, Success

Lavender - Peace of mind

Peppermint - Clears Mind, Grounding

Cinnamon - Abundance, Prosperity

Basil - Harmony, Protection

Thyme - Strength, Psychic Gift Stimulant

Ingredients: Bay Leafs, Rose Pedals, Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Basil, Thyme

Infused with Reiki energy

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please always consult your physician if adding herbs.*

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